Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where We've Been: The Journey.

The past seven months have been a journey. A true testament of the faith of our family. We've been depressed. We've been anxious. We've grown up. We've gotten closer. We've prepared ourselves for the very worst all while hoping for the very best. We've prayed--every chance we get. We've held our breath each appointment she's had and cried tears of joy after each one.

Where have we been? We've been through a miracle.

Cancer wanted my mom, but cancer didn't win this time. Cancer took my mom's hair and was supposedly never giving it back, yet with each visit that I make home her hair gets thicker and blacker; sprouting more and more all the time. Cancer was supposed to take my mom's life in January. My mind still hasn't wrapped around those few weeks and I'm not sure if it ever will. All I know is that it's July and her scans keep coming back clean; beating all odds and every doctor's prediction. Each and every prayer prayed WAS heard. After seven month of uncertainty, all of her tumors have stopped growing. "Remission" is a word I thought we'd never hear. 
Yet, because of cancer, so many great things have occurred. I've watched many wonderful friendships develop between my mom and others. The community has rallied around us and prepared meals, continuously prayed, and sent their love. My mom has come to know God more than she ever has before. Cancer has not defined her. She's found the best in it and lived her life.  
God is bigger than any illness we face and I know we owe this 100% to Him. 

Where have we been? We've been at our lowest low and now to our highest high. 

Our mom has out smarted, out prayed, and remediated her cancer. Today marks a new beginning to life. NEVER give up faith and never lose your fight!

Now more than ever, I want to continue on with the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for a Cure against Breast Cancer in honor of my mom and the journey she's made. All proceeds of the walk will be donated to breast cancer research. I have a long way to go in my funding. The walk takes place October 21-23. If you are able to donate or would like more information, please visit