With the New Year comes a new beginning--a clean slate to all mistakes, bad eating habits, old relationships, and lost religion. It's our chance to start over, fresh and new, and commit ourselves to a better life for at least the next 365 days.
I have learned life is extremely too short. That words matter. That "living life with no regrets" is not possible-- at all. That money runs out but your reputation and character lasts long after you are gone. I've learned that no matter what crazy diet you start or how much exercise you do, you may never transform into a twig-thin Victoria's Secret model. Being HEALTHY and being skinny are two completely different things. I've learned that good friends are hard to find, and even harder to keep. I have learned that love can be fun, that no one really keeps secrets, and that every decision you make now will impact your future.
With all of that being said, I have decided to share my 2014 simple list of resolutions in hopes that others will also gain a bit of a new perspective on their own lives and what truly matters.
1. Become more intentional.
Make that phone call, apply to that school, make those plans you promised you would make. Back up your words with actions.
2. Be the healthiest I can be.
Exercise daily, cut out the junk food, drink more water. Don't do anything that will take years off of your life.
3. Give more.
Give the homeless man on the side of the road your dollars, give your time to those who don't have any time to waste. Material things will not go with you to the grave.
4. Pray.
Before eating, sleep, when worries overcome you or just to say thanks. Simply slow down your life for a moment and pray.
5. Take more pictures.
Whether it's your cat, your grandma, or a beautiful sunset in your back yard. Pictures capture a moment in time that can never be replaced.
6. Stop comparing myself to others.
You're one-of-a-kind, intentionally created and unique. You are not the brainiac in the class row in front of you. You are not that girl on your Facebook page wearing the teeny-tiny polka dot bikini and that is OKAY. Love who you are and the skin you are in!
7. Worry less.
Unexpected happens. Fretting over an unchangeable situation is a waste of precious time. Go with the flow and stop anticipating the next catastrophe.
8. Travel.
To the park, a day on the beach, or somewhere hundreds of miles away. We are just a speck in this big world. Go out there and see what there is to see.
9. Always see the glass half full.
Negativity doesn't look good on anyone. Any scenario in your life can be twisted into a positive moment. Whether it be a lesson learned or an experience gained, keep your chin up and your positivity in tact.
10. Stop wishing my life away.
When you are 14 you want to be 16...when you are 16 you want to be 21 and before you know it you are wrinkled and gray and wishing for those years to come back. It is wasteful to wish for your years to pass. As my grandmother always said, "enjoy every stage of your life."
Negativity doesn't look good on anyone. Any scenario in your life can be twisted into a positive moment. Whether it be a lesson learned or an experience gained, keep your chin up and your positivity in tact.
10. Stop wishing my life away.
When you are 14 you want to be 16...when you are 16 you want to be 21 and before you know it you are wrinkled and gray and wishing for those years to come back. It is wasteful to wish for your years to pass. As my grandmother always said, "enjoy every stage of your life."
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